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TRELL 2025 Spring Registration “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQs)  

  • How long does the early discount last?
    The $15 off  per registration period is from 11/29/24 – 12/1/24. On 12/2/24, the normal registration  fee of $285/player and will be open until January 31, 2025.  
  • How does the $285 break down, i.e. where does my money go? 

As always, the books for TRELL are open to any active member in good standing, but below are  where your dollars go by category. If you would like to know more, please reach out.  

Field & Maintenance 37.77%  
Uniforms & Equipment 20.91%  
Administrative Operations 15.19%  
Umpires 8.38%  
Insurance 6.55%  
Field House 4.94%  
Utilities 3.63%  
Tournaments Expense 1.06%  
Legal & Professional Fees 0.94%  
Kitchen Expenses 0.38%  
Office/General Administrative Expenses 0.25%  

  • Is there a sibling discount?  

Yes, $50 for each sibling after the first player is paid in full. 

  • Can I pay with cash or paper check?  

Unfortunately no. Due to NSF checks and cash collection issues, we need to have all registrants  pay electronically at the time of registration. The new portal does not have a “pay by check” option  like the previous platform, so registration must be paid in full at the time of registration. The good  news is that registration is open until January 31, 2025!  

  • Is there a payment plan?  

Unfortunately no. We are a volunteer organization and doing this in the past provided created a  number of collections issues. There are 3 grant programs in the state of NJ and if you are  economically eligible, these could assist those unable to pay the registration fee. Please reach out  to the league individually for more information ([email protected]). Discretion  will always be paramount and we want to see as many willing players in our league regardless of  economic situation.  

  • What’s the difference between the work bond and the 1x fields and grounds fee option?  

The board has decided to implement a work bond of $100, which will help cover ever increasing  field maintenance costs (Our largest expense as outlined earlier). While we have long aimed to  avoid such a measure, the rising expenses associated with field upkeep (we are required to hire a 3rd party vendor for irrigation and turf maintenance by the town) and the decline in volunteer/fundraiser  support made this necessary. Our hope is that the work bond will encourage more parents to step  up for essential roles like coaching, game-day operations (scoreboard, announcing games), and  field cleanup.  

For families unable to volunteer, a 1x $50 field maintenance fee option will be available at  registration to help o set these costs. Board members, managers, coaches, and our invaluable  team moms, who dedicate substantial time, will be exempt from the work bond.  

Additionally, the work bond we are implementing is significantly lower than what is typical in other  leagues across our district, our registration fees also remain competitive. Remember, we are a non profit organization, and your registration fees directly support field maintenance, enhancing our  complex, umpire payments, equipment purchases, uniforms and essential winter indoor workouts  for spring season players. The $100 work bond will be required at time of uniform pick up (More to  come on that in the following weeks).  

  • What does each player receive with registration?  

Winter indoor hitting groups begin some time in February and these are included in registration  fees. Each player will also receive a hat and jersey for the team and play a minimum 12 games per  division. Due to our player volume and schedule parameters (we have to end the regular season by  a specific date to allow for post season play and to give the district all star teams time to prepare for their tournaments) we aim for 13-15+ games but the number of teams and inclement weather will  be strong factors into how many games are scheduled.  

  • What equipment does each player need?  

Please refer to our “New to TRELL” tab on our website.  

  • What does each coach/team mom receive?  

Each volunteer head coach will receive different things based on age/division. Tball head coaches  will get a plastic batting tee. A $100 security deposit will be needed when the tee is distributed and the check will be returned at the end of the season upon equipment return. Tball, rookie, farm,  Single A, AAA, Majors, Juniors, and Seniors will all receive a minimum of 1 case (Older divisions will get more baseballs) of baseballs per little league guidelines for their respective division. Single A,  AAA, Majors, Juniors, and Seniors will each get 2 pitch counters. These divisions will have the  option of a paper scorebook or can use the GameChanger app, but some type of scorekeeping is  required. These divisions will also have the option of catcher’s gear (1 max per team). A $100  security deposit will be needed when the catcher equipment is distributed and the check will be  returned at the end of the season upon equipment return. We have a good supply of catcher’s gear  thanks to recent returns and donations but not enough for all teams, so it’s first come, first serve. If  you do not need catcher’s gear please let a team that has players that do not own catcher’s gear to  use the league’s equipment. All head coaches will be given a small first aid kit. An additional  binder by team will be distributed to Team Moms including information of responsibilities, events,  and a work bond tracker at an upcoming General Meeting (Reminders will be sent via email).  

  • How are teams put together?  

Tball, rookie, farm, and Single A teams will be randomized. There will be a player evaluation in  March for AAA and Majors-age eligible players. After the evaluation, there will be in person (head  coach only) drafts for Majors then AAA. Lastly, there will be an in person (head coach only) draft for  Juniors and Seniors. This division specifically will be driven by the ages registered. I.e. Juniors are  13 & 14, Seniors are 15 & 16. If we have enough 13/14 and 15/16 to make teams within those age  ranges, we will. But historically, we have been lighter on the 15 and 16 year old groups and unable  to fill teams exclusively with those ages. In that case, those ages are combined with the 13 & 14  year olds and the entire division is called “Seniors”. This division historically has played other little  leagues locally that do not have enough teams to play within their own league.  

  • How are coaches/team moms selected?  

At the time of registration, if you are interesting in being a head coach or assistant coach or team  mom, please register as a volunteer for one of those categories. The VP of Operations will  coordinate head coach and team mom selection and certain divisions will require a bio submission for head coaches. A background check will be conducted for all volunteers. Whether you have  coached for years or are interested for the first time, our league is a place for all. Ideally every team  will have a minimum of 1 head coach, 2-3 assistant coaches, and a team mom, for all divisions. All  Star coach selection (District All Stars and MIT) will be selected during the season. More will come  from the VP of Operations later.  

  • When are games scheduled?  

A tentative schedule for the spring has been created, but the number of registrants will determine  the number of teams and number of in season games. Using historical registration as a blueprint  for schedule creation, games will begin the week of March 24, 2025 and the regular season will end  around Memorial Day. Younger age divisions (Tball, rookie, farm) will play regular season games  into June. Older divisions will have post season playoffs finishing before the district all star season begins.  

While we have in years past tried to keep certain days for certain divisions, we have adjusted the  schedule to maximize field use and will have games playing every day of the week for all divisions  except Juniors/Seniors, whose games will be M-F only. If you are coaching multiple divisions, we  will do our best to accommodate so you can make all games, but after this past Fall it’s important  to note while we make every attempt to make this work for all, there is no guarantee. No team will  have more than 2 games per week and extremely rarely on back to back days. Please note, the schedule is tentative until registration is closed. There may be changes on the day  percentage if we have a large increase/decrease in registration numbers. I wanted to share this to  give some information for those that have to decide if they want/are able to coach due to  availability.  

  • How do practices work/get scheduled?  

Our Board Township Liaison will file for permits for all non complex available fields early next year. I  will ask every head coach to give me their top 2 day/time preferences and will do my best to accommodate and give out accordingly. Because of the anticipated limited field availability, teams  will likely have to coordinate all practices at one of these non complex fields. Each coach will be  given a copy of the permit so if another organization shows up same time as you, we will have rights  to the field with permit copy in hand.  

  • How do general members be more involved?  

We love involvement! You do not have to be on the Board of Directors to help. If you have a specific  skill set or experience that could help the league in some way, please reach out and let us know.  We have bi-monthly General Member meetings at the East Dover First Aid building and all are  invited to attend for discussion. The schedule is on the website under the “Meeting Dates’ tab. Or if  it’s easier, send an email ([email protected]) or reach out 1:1 to one of our  Board of Directors. 

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